Many people are under the misconception that "Guyanese" and "GT" mean the same thing.It is not so! Most definitely not! A Guyanese is a person in Guyana and when you say GT you refer to Georgetown which is the capital. Many people when they come overseas, they are under the impression that if they say they are from Georgetown that it is a status symbol and would make them that much cooler. The town area is not a status symbol. However, it seems like everyone both stupid and smart say that they are from GT right now. Most people from GT hate the country or rural people and look down upon them. There are also other reasons why. However, let's just leave it at this. Guyanese are from Guyana and they include people from Georgetown which is the capital. Georgetown is NOT, and I repeat, IS NOT an abbreviated term for GUYANESE. It has never been that way and as far as I see it will never be that way.
If you ask me where I'm from I'll say I'm Guyanese. I will never say I'm a GT man after all, I'm a Corentyne man. Therefore, I'm loud and proud of that fact.
Guyanese people at least the sensible ones know this already. There is a show in Canada, I forget the name now but it goes along the same lines. Meeting people from Guyana and all of the them saying they're from GT and 90% of them don't know jack shit about Georgetown. They just make themselves look like asses
I am proud to say no when people ask if I'm from GT. I correct them and say I am Guyanese and from Berbice :)
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