"Why A Bloody Corn Cob Pipe"
Today it was raining all day and while at work I was driving from Queens to Manhattan and then into the Bronx. After the errands of the day were over I spent over 2 hours with a friend of mine looking for a corn cob pipe. It then dawned on me that many people especially many of the younger generation now roll smokes just like the beginning. Many also go for menthol smokes and now we have someone going back to the very beginning by using a pipe. The more things are changing the more they are reverting back to thier roots. I'll admit I did take the pipe and had a look at it and it does have its own kind of charm. It reminds me so much of poets from the country and rural areas. It reminds me of hard work and people relaxing and it also reminds me of "Huck Finn" one of the best books a person can read. (Not meaning just redneck of course lol)
No one knows just when people started use the corn cob pipe. All that is actually known is that it was very easy to make. As a matter of fact, I found this info: "The first design for a corncob pipe was patented in 1878 by Henry Tibbe of Washington, Missouri. The company he created, Missouri Meerschaum, is still operating today as the oldest (and as far as I could find, only) corncob pipe manufacturer in the world. The company grows it's own special breed of corn developed with the help of the University of Missouri."
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