Wednesday, August 1, 2007

What Is The Sign I Seek?

Sin in its has been vagabond that seeks forgiveness,

Desperately he seeks the scraps of Holiness,

That his polluted load may be taken from him,

And the pleasant rewards of his faith no longer seem grim.

All through my life I prayed while others jeered,

I loved Your sanctity while others never slightly feared.

In my wreched state I sought Your mighty touch,

Thinking of Elijah, Moses, Paul and such.

There is genuine terror when I think

that You still care for me even though in sin I sink.

I fail to comprehend Your complex terms,

and the ship of my sagacity no longer carries me at its stern.

What have I ever accomplished for You that Your Son died for me?

I now feel worthless of His messages preached from mountains to sea.

He showed us; brotherhood, love and repentance,

And he gave us access to his salvation without hindrance

to our clearance.

My failed conscience only reveals my shortcomings,

And while I seek to punish myself for my misgivings,

Divine intervention always reminds, “I am a child of God,”

Yet, yet I am still frightful why the Holy would want the sinner and odd.

– Samuel Singh (New York, 02/ 2004)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The work is of the highest originality and the author has display considerable brilliance.